Although the Press in India has been supportive of Guru's hanging, a section of the press raised apprehension on the manner in which the execution was carried out.
The Dutch post attracted additional traders to the Pequot territory whom the Pequots could not control, raising apprehension between the two villages.
The report notes that the campaign against the project raised considerable fear and apprehension amongst local people about the possible negative impacts of mining, has contributed to local tensions, and has not always been a reasonable source of information for local people.
In foreign policy, Hu's critics say that his government has been overly aggressive in asserting its new power, overestimated its reach, and raised the ire and apprehension of various neighbours, including Southeast Asian countries, India, and Japan.
The guard's report raised immediate apprehension in the minds of all three men, for it was not at all like Faelan to sleep so soundly or so late, especially this past week.
But the very scope of that power raises apprehension and stimulates resistance.
For some architects and planners, talk of new urbanism can raise apprehension that a rigidly prescribed mix of housing, stores and open squares will snuff out the individuality of various communities.
The tape's repeated warnings - "if you are listening this far into the recording your disease is growing worse" - continually raise apprehension for the man, who visibly deteriorates in front of us.
The quantity of her gear raised apprehension as to the likely length of her stay.
In a region whose conservative Muslim populations have never been fully comfortable with the Western military presence, the car bomb attack raised deep apprehension about a backlash.