"I raise calves," he had told Poteet, "I don't kill 'em."
The whales use the waters of this protected area to raise calves between the months of June and October.
The cows of beef cattle are used to give birth to and raise calves for meat.
There are facilities that raise calves for export to the United States as well.
These would cover subjects such as milk handling, butter making, raising calves and winter care of chickens.
It's cheaper than raising calves, yuh know.
He raises calves and sells them, and he and his wife, Dolores, run a creamery where they make good, hard butter.
Rob Roy said that the only thing he didn¡ t like about him was the way he raised calves for veal.
This would have been where her father had raised calves when he was a boy.
The current system of raising calves, whereby they are hobbled in individual pens, has got to be changed, but there is no need for sentimentality.