The rest is raised by individual members in Tokyo or their own districts, often from smaller companies or middle-class families.
SKS has raised money from several companies and individual sponsors.
And it will raise its insurance from such companies to $200 million from $25 million.
Crisis Group raises funds from mainly western governments, charitable foundations, companies and individual donors.
By agreement, the four do not campaign separately for funds raised from local companies.
Boston University hopes to raise $2 million a year from government agencies, foundations and private companies to overhaul the system.
Rather than raising capital through public markets or from large companies, Lloyd's has always been financed by the personal wealth of its names.
The school system would try to help students whose families cannot afford uniforms by raising financial aid from private companies.
Money would be raised through grants and donations from companies and private individuals.
In 2006, Berman said that he had raised about $2.5 million "from companies, trade organizations and individuals", whom he declined to identify.