The last flight of arrows had been scantier than the one before, and the nymph raised her horn again.
He raised his own horn to his lips, knowing the Hunter's refrain.
Then he raised his horn and blew a long, mellow-sounding note.
'That should do,' he said, raising his curled horn to his lips.
The elders let it roll until the point was made and then the grandmother raised her horn and blew a third time.
Cursing, she raised the Warrior's horn to her lips and blew the call for a spear-head.
Gregory raised his horn again and blew.
Daukantas stood for a long while staring the way it had gone, before he raised his horn and summoned the cattle.
The huntsman raised his horn to his lips but was unable to remove it.
"To glory," Admiral Jord said as he raised his horn and drained it.