The bill raises spending in rich districts as well as poor ones.
Although the splintering has solved some problems for the American military, it has raised new ones.
That is the year the 12-nation European Community will remove internal trade barriers and, many fear, raise external ones.
Only, to do so would certainly raise questions and ones for which she had no answers.
The new agreement would end virtually all of them over the next 10 years and commit both Governments not to raise new ones.
Now her opponents have raised a mix of old questions and new ones growing out of those questions.
They'd just been so busy living their lives and getting the business going - well, who had time to stop and think about raising little ones?
But if we don't have enough veteran troops and we can't raise new ones, what does that leave us?
The lawyer issued a report last weekend that answered many questions about the deal but raised new ones about the tax consequences.
Information doesn't answer questions, it raises new ones.