The Labour Party's commitment was to raise pensions by £5 for a single person and £8 for a married couple.
In addition, United agreed to raise pensions and to pay the fees for the government-issued licenses that the mechanics hold.
He promised to block a sales tax and raise pensions.
He had also raised pensions and given Vamos its first clinic, the men here said.
Pension surpluses were not being used to raise pensions for some plan members.
Instead of raising pensions, we should increase training for soldiers to induce them to work where they do not want to work.
Uprating in line with wages would raise British pensions considerably.
Yale officials say they have made a generous proposal, offering to raise pensions by 11 to 18 percent.
Officials have been promising to raise pensions but have not done so.
He added Labour would raise pensions by £5 per week for single people and £8 a week for couples.