He stumped away, his cane raising little puffs of red dust.
The old woman pounded her walking stick even harder, raising puffs of dust.
Work slowly to avoid scattering the ashes and raising puffs of soot.
Its hooves struck with a pure and solid ring, raising tiny puffs of dust.
Heavy steel-bound portals swung wide and thumped against the walls, raising small puffs of dust.
The cold wind ruffled its white coat, and its panting breath raised small puffs of steam.
Boosthit strode ahead, raising angry puffs of dust from the road.
Guided by the television image from the laparoscope, he burned away fat, raising puffs of smoke, until the stomach pouch was clearly exposed.
The first of the arrows whistled past her; others thunked against the stone, raising little white puffs.
Droplets of rain raised little puffs of dirt beside the empty sidewalks.