"They take us back into deficits, raise interest rates, drop the stock market, raise unemployment."
Recession in Japan, where companies are loath to lay off workers, won't raise unemployment much.
But the measures also raised unemployment to 4.8 percent - a shock in a country accustomed to half that level.
This will put up to 100,000 jobs in jeopardy, raising unemployment and potentially even cost the government more money in additional public assistance funds.
Unhappiness with the Government jumped last year as an economic slowdown raised unemployment to almost 10 percent.
But their immediate effect will be to raise unemployment and restrain economic activity.
These prescriptions, known as structural adjustment programs, have often required financial austerity that has raised borrowing rates, unemployment and poverty.
"I believe that their plan is still too extreme, runs a significant risk of putting the economy into recession and raising unemployment," Mr. Clinton said.
The economy continues to be weighed down by overwhelming public-sector costs and an aversion to solutions that would raise unemployment.
"Markets widen the rich-poor gap and raise unemployment, putting the nation's entire social fabric at risk."