How long will it be before the yammering, brainy lawyer shuts up and succumbs to her boss's rakish charms?
Pascoe is likable, but he doesn't have the advantage of Mark Easterbrook's rakish charm.
This was not the time to allow herself to be attracted to the man's rakish charm, or tempted by the carnal pleasure his attitude promised.
He tried to look full of rakish charm by pulling on a weak smile.
Despite the most elegant renovation in recent history, this former steakhouse on the waterfront downtown has not lost its rakish charm.
But when that tide goes out, and the bad boy's yacht is still floating there way above us, the rakish charm drains away.
Mr. Puckett, 32, does indeed have the rakish charm of an indie rocker, which is exactly what he is.
He was gray-haired and many years her senior, but he had a rakish charm that kept him youthful.
He didn't sound offended; calling Oar 'girlie' might have been his attempt at rakish charm.
Pel uses his handsome appearance and rakish charm as assets, and has many female friends in high places.