A tall, handsome woman, neat and dark, with a rakish black hat, and two gloved hands holding guns.
"Hung" star Thomas Jane, in a rakish hat, scouts for a bite to eat but almost every deli tray is empty.
See that rakish hat bobbing through Little India in Queens amid thousands of Indians, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis.
Another, "Death Bride," wears a fixed puppet face and a rakish hat with three plumes.
She wore a rakish green hat crooked on her head.
She had a small rakish red hat on her wavy brown hair and was wearing a gray coat trimmed with nice fur.
A touching 1971 self-portait called "Paternity" shows Picasso wearing a rakish hat and holding a child.
She was the journalist who always wore a rakish hat perched on her blue-tinted hair and pristine white gloves - the right one removed so she could take notes.
His makeshift clothing is falling off him, but he wears a quite rakish hat with a feather.
There is a rakish hat - she dressed with an artist's flair - still suspended from her bedpost.