Southern's stock rallied after the purchase, to a high of 24 5/8 in October.
Unexpectedly, the professor rallied after several months at home and tried to gain some control over his situation.
How can she hope to rally the Kachins behind her after this?
The king's last hope, the north west, failed to rally to the cause after the fall of Chester, again without a fight.
Traditionally, the stock market has tended to rally on the days before and after Thanksgiving.
When they'd failed to rally after twenty seconds, he turned to go.
He initially seemed to rally after the surgery but died early in the morning on the following day.
Others said it rallied after the feeling that the stock had slipped too low.
Tokyo stock prices rallied early this morning, after a record fall on Tuesday.
Oil prices had fallen to about $18.50 a barrel before beginning to rally just after Christmas.