From the mid-1930's on, Robeson appeared regularly at rallies supporting anticolonialist and antifascist causes.
Here he is at a rally last week supporting a terrorist group.
He took a slight detour on Sunday, heading to Times Square to take part in a rally supporting the war against Iraq.
This past weekend, there were rallies supporting the war effort from Rochester to Dallas, and from Virginia Beach to Washington.
When she was 6, she donated all of her allowance for women's equality at a rally supporting an equal rights amendment.
Judge Hastings did not attend a small rally supporting him at the Dade County Courthouse today.
In all 50 US states of the United States, there have been rallies supporting the Wisconsin demonstrations.
After the bombing, Mr. Trimble called for the group to go home, and a rally supporting the Order fizzled.
Former President Bill Clinton stopped at the University of Oklahoma on January 30th to speak at a rally supporting his wife.