Outside in the distance could be seen several low, rambling buildings under a dark blue sky that was slightly on the violent side.
On her visit as a youngster, Lee hadn't been in this part of the rambling building.
The house itself was a long, low, rambling building, constructed of the same dark stone as the rest of the village.
At what felt like midmorning, I took a break and walked around the nearest corner of the rambling building to look across the garden.
Jak was on watch, patrolling the second floor of the rambling building.
They trailed on into the depths of the vast, rambling building.
Half a mile later they stopped on a baked earth courtyard in front of a long rambling building.
Finally, beyond a lawn overgrown with weeds, they came upon the tall, rambling building.
In the darkness, they found their way down a corridor that led to the rear of the large, rambling building.
The guesthouse was a rambling white building on the edge of town.