The Bluepoints property consists of 13,000 underwater acres in the Great South Bay and 3.5 acres of waterfront land, which now contains a rambling complex of 21 aging industrial buildings.
Beyond its ivy-clad entrance is a rambling complex of gyms, saunas, lush terraced gardens and 12 differently heated pools, including one for hydro-cycling.
It's a rambling complex made up of differing styles, and architectural buffs could spend half a day happily distinguishing the Romanesque bones from Manueline musculature and baroque frippery.
Beauvoir's rambling complex was situated in a shady glade of tropical trees-an unusual sight in this part of the country, which, like much of Haiti, has been largely deforested.
Powell's Bookstore, a rambling complex of buildings, makes one hungry to read books.
But he had not covered all the rambling complex that men had built through generations.
The rambling complex of Tagore House is now a centre for Indian dance, drama and music.
In the cafeteria, the lobby smoking area and the hallways of the rambling complex, they went about business as usual.
The sign at the entrance to the rambling medical complex here, in southeastern Louisiana, reads: "Gillis W. Long Hansen's Disease Center."
It was a false front for a rambling complex of sinister-looking additions that were cleverly concealed behind trees and bushes.