He was an industrious writer with an obscure and rambling style.
Mr. Shelton has a loose, rambling style and tends to be more interested in character than story.
Janvert wondered, his attention wandering under the onslaught of Merrivale's rambling style.
And it has a more rambling, ruminative style, without the same cohesive passion that characterized "Fires" in particular.
In 2005, Izzard used his rambling style to provide the voice-over for the British government's television advertisements promoting recycling.
It marked the first time that Bailey had been able to tie together his music and post-modern gags with the whimsical rambling style he is now known for.
Throughout our numerous, distracted conversations, he was puzzled and dimly annoyed with the rambling style of my talk.
All three films unfold in cheerfully rambling styles that are as enjoyable as the stories being told.
This casual, rambling style had been gradually diminishing with the onset of electric blues bands from Chicago but, even when not playing solo, Hooker retained it in his sound.
Helen reflected, speaking more to herself in a rambling style than as a prophetess delivering a message.