Because most of these people are related, it's also a novel about family, and that Pandora's box of rampant emotions.
Puppetman was feeding now, taking sustenance from the rampant emotions.
She tossed her head in disgust at her rampant emotions and drank her wine through dripping, salty lips.
She struggled with her rampant emotions, paced and prayed, pressed cold fingers to her temples and rubbed chilled arms with icy hands.
Have the emotions so rampant aboard this ship infected me to such an extent?
Richard had learned in the past that Samuel's attention and actions were pretty firmly ruled by his rampant emotions; his feet just followed.
Having lost friends on hazardous missions before, Scott could understand the rampant emotions threatening to run unchecked through the lieutenant's mind.
No, it was just her host's rampant emotions, so powerful she could not entirely block them out.
I came among them most concerned for my cthia, and their safety, due to what seemed like rampant emotion I saw them as unstable, illogical, potentially dangerous.
Fury rose to the top of the rampant emotions coursing through me.