It was a ramshackle two-car garage with a second-story, one-man, one-room ramshackle apartment.
The difference is that back then, young punks ran away, ditched school and moved to ramshackle apartments on the Lower East Side.
A steady stream of sect members visited him in the ramshackle apartment he is using as a safe house.
The baby was clearly meant to find prosperity at Blessings, but Skip impulsively takes her to his ramshackle apartment above Lydia's garage.
After a series of moves, the family ends up in a ramshackle apartment that reeks from the public lavatory next door.
Mickey moves in with Hope, but later becomes disillusioned with aspects of their lifestyle, including frequent power cuts in their ramshackle apartment.
They spent eight months in shelters and hotels before being relocated in a ramshackle apartment, infested with rats and roaches.
(That's why the good doctors on TV hospital dramas drive old cars and live in ramshackle apartments, while the bad doctors wear bespoke suits.)
"They were trouble," the neighbor, who did not give his name, said of the young people who frequented the ramshackle apartment.
George and Kramer later go to the busboy's ramshackle apartment to apologize, only to accidentally leave the door open, letting his cat out.