He slaps the resulting sludge on his ramshackle home, turning it into a different kind of ugly.
The words seemed to fill Rinda's ramshackle home, driving away the bitter cold.
He stood in the middle of their ramshackle home, exuding obvious disgust.
New construction on once empty lots or ramshackle homes began in much of the southern areas.
She twisted around, studying her old ramshackle home.
No ramshackle home for the aged poor, thought Pitt.
THE ramshackle homes grew to southern estates as we passed into Virginia, our final state.
Fires kill the occupants of ramshackle homes with dangerous space heaters.
"It's very nice here," he told me during the war, while sitting in the small garden of his ramshackle home.
And there are still a few ramshackle homes that threaten to collapse on their owners.