A ramshackle, barnlike structure, it sat off to one side of the valley.
He stopped at a tall metal box, the sturdiest of perhaps 15 ramshackle structures, and began pounding.
An oil lamp was held high, casting a yellowish glow a few feet from the ramshackle structure.
Eventually Fritsche turned up a dirt driveway and parked in front of a ramshackle wooden structure.
As the losses piled up, the team's ramshackle financial structure became more problematic.
But the ramshackle four-story structure lacks some features considered common even before the Renaissance.
His gaze traveled past a ramshackle structure and leaped back.
Before that they had been housed in a ramshackle structure and summoned by the church bell.
Side streets of narrow twisting warrens ran off among the ramshackle structures.
It was an old, ramshackle structure like others he had run across in the canons.