One resident, Billy Graham, saved up enough money collecting bottles and cans to buy a ramshackle trailer for $1,500 last year.
Many of the ramshackle trailers carry entire families.
Her mother was a drunk with a preference for vodka who lived in a ramshackle trailer on the outskirts of Daytona.
Now the population is down to just 26 parched souls who live in a collection of ramshackle trailers.
They laughed about it when they got back to the ramshackle trailer with no wheels that Howard's father called home.
His new office is a ramshackle trailer equipped with manual typewriters.
In a ramshackle trailer just down the road from the cease-fire line in southern Iraq, Awath Sharif sat on a dusty green-and-white carpet surrounded by flies.
After losing her check, Theresa Sledge moved to a ramshackle trailer 15 miles from Pensacola, Fla.
Most of those funds will come from Borchardt's elderly and skeletal uncle, Bill, who lives in a ramshackle trailer but has evidently managed to sock away hundreds of thousands of dollars.
THE scene was a ramshackle trailer off a dirt road in the mountains that was stocked with snack foods and a video collection including "Thelma and Louise."