L0pht's "laboratory" is the second floor of a ramshackle warehouse in suburban Boston.
It was in the shadow of a ramshackle warehouse or I'm certain someone would have tried to buy it from us before then.
Without moving to get a better look, the taron realized exactly which of the nondescript ramshackle warehouses tad been the target.
Though none of the establishments exude professionalism - most occupy ramshackle warehouses and are marked by few if any signs - Flat Fix looks particularly haphazard.
The property, a collection of ramshackle warehouses in Mott Haven, was leased to Arol Development Corporation in 1972 by the Koch administration.
Across the street, a couple stared at an Eames lounge chair inside the Gansevoort Gallery, a designer furniture showroom almost camouflaged among the ramshackle warehouses.
For many years, the ground-level space at 106 West 29th Street was a ramshackle warehouse for hair care products, which seemed appropriate for the neighborhood on the fringes of the garment district.
That was when Ruth got to know her better, and to like her better; and a few months later, Cousin Saul had married Gloria, taking her to live at the ramshackle old warehouse on Cyclops Wharf.
At the edge of Sivishe, where a last few shacks dwindled out across the salt flats, a cluster of ramshackle warehouses surrounded piles of sand, gravel, bricks, sintered marl.
On far shore, Brim could see rows of ramshackle warehouses fronted by networks of wooden piers extending far out into the stream-but few water craft anywhere: mute testimony to ruined commerce the conquered world.