Four years ago the house on this hill was a typical ranch belonging to her father, Charles Cuff, now 85.
He missed a year of school and spent part of the year at a ranch belonging to his mother's cousin in Arizona.
The municipal seat, Quiriego, was originally a ranch belonging to Francisco Javier Valenzuela in the last years of the eighteenth century.
The settlement of São Luís began in 1857 with a ranch belonging to the Neto family.
Plot Twists in Mexico The celebrated case surrounding a body unearthed on a ranch belonging to the brother of Mexico's former President took a new turn.
The road led to a ranch belonging to one Alfonzo Quesarro.
Apparently, this is to keep them quiet on their trip to a family reunion taking place at a ranch belonging to the narrator's Uncle Slayton.
On October 7, at a ranch belonging to Pete Slaughter, the posse found an abandoned camp that was believed to have been recently occupied by the outlaws.
Already, the company has pledged to sell a prized ranch belonging to its founder, Chung Ju Yung.
Meacham had leaned on him more and more until Sandy couldn't imagine the ranch suddenly belonging to someone else.