Iraqi exiles agreed that Uday Hussein, the eldest of five children, personified the government's random brutality.
It is unlikely that a group of psychopaths could have collaborated to this degree, given their customary impulsive behavior and taste for random brutality.
It is just not possible anymore, she says, to be surprised or scandalized by the random brutality of the times.
Furthermore, garrisons that were stationed in fringe territories were subject to boredom, which was relieved by random brutality.
They apparently believed they could get away with random brutality.
Mr. Brown's play takes place in a Coney Island ghetto called "the projects," with its drug traffic, prostitution and rampant, random brutality.
But it is the random brutality - the Scorsese way - that is most telling.
They frequently intervene to protect their black brothers and sisters from the random and truly pointless brutality of the white cops (as portrayed by Himes).
Joey became Tommy's protector against the random brutality of playground and schoolyard.