They were random marks made during hilt binding, nothing more.
This time her drawings crowd together all the world's lakes and rivers, reducing explicit geography to seemingly random marks.
"Those are just the random marks made by passing fish or erosion," Thariinye said, glancing at it.
The play of highlights, random marks and shadows through which the scene is transfigured is bewitching.
It is hard to see how marks so seemingly random could add up to anything legible, much less a rather photographic human likeness.
Even while terms like traitor and turncoat are being bandied about like arrows finding random marks.
The bubble bursts when it makes contact with the paper, leaving a random mark.
By the early 1970's he had begun to include random marks and tiny enigmatic images of duck heads and tubular chairs in his corner paintings.
The object is to toss a coin (typically a dime or quarter) onto a horizontal board that has random marks on it.
Sometimes they look like floating space debris, at other times random marks on a piece of paper.