War sometimes seems a part of the human condition in these places, alive in memory and always possible at some future random moment.
Spiced up with random moments of sheer terror, of course, but that doesn't make up for the boredom.
Cassatt describes what look like fairly random moments.
Tennis is an accumulation of skirmishes and random moments.
There were random moments, widely separated, when I felt sorry for the girl.
The service was a bit like that, too: obsequious, with random moments of unnecessary flourish.
It had taken months for me to stop thinking about him this way, wondering in any random moment where he was and what he was doing.
There are also general random moments, but in an often realistic environment and relatable situations to teenagers.
So what feels like a random moment - or luck - is very much on the path that he is on.
Ate meals at what seemed like random moments.