Ranging one after the other to- wards the south was a series of - no other word would do - fields.
Prices range from $3,148 to $8,323 a person for anyone booking after Jan. 31.
Prices will range from $964 for a 100-megahertz chip to $418 for a 60-megahertz version, after a price reduction that takes effect on Aug. 1.
In a study using to bactiophages the removal ranged between 85% and 95% after 45 days of usage.
Onsets ranged from 2 to 17 days after vaccination (median 5 days).
The city had imposed a more lenient penalty scale last May, with additional fines ranging from $5 to a maximum of $35 after 75 days.
Prices for the phones range from $99 to $350, after mail-in rebates.
Boost's Motorola phones range from $50 to $300 after mail-in rebates.
Salaries for teachers with a bachelor's degree now range from $20,150 a year for beginners to $35,140 after 20 years of service.
The remainder face civil fines ranging from $5,000 to $7,000 after a hearing before an administrative judge.