A model's rate for commercials can range anywhere from $2000 and up, not including residuals.
Double rates range from $190 to $363 a person, including all meals, drinks and taxes.
Prices range from $1,200 to $2,600, not including a monitor.
The cost of the program ranges from $275 to $565 a year, including free family holiday celebrations.
There are four rooms and prices range from $210 to $260 a night, including a $75 dinner credit (845-424-3000; www.birdbottle.com).
But rooms, which range from $125 to $150 a night, including tax, are large and immaculate.
Double rooms range from $80 to $125, depending upon season and view, including breakfast.
Till March 25 rooms range from $336 to $481 a night, including breakfast and dinner.
Summer weekend rates range from $119 to $188 (ocean view) a night, including breakfast.
Costs range from $900 to $1,700, not including air fare.