This was physically challenging to many with the temperatures ranging from 0 to 50 degrees Celsius.
The Marshall family lived in tents, even as temperatures ranged from freezing to 125 degrees.
Summer temperatures can range from 70-90 degree highs at the ends of the highway to 50-70 degrees in the mountain passes.
Typically, individual legs range from two to six degrees of freedom.
The measurement ranges from 35 to over 80 degrees.
Lateral pitch typically ranges from 0 to 2 degrees.
Industrial pasta may be dried very quickly at temperatures ranging from 140 to 194 degrees, or even higher.
The terrain aspect ranges from 0 to 30 degrees.
The solar phase angle ranged from 130 deg to 47 degrees during the period of observations.
The temperature of the plasma ranges from 200 degrees to over 1,000,000 degrees.