"Heris-these are the Carmody sisters," Cecelia said, appearing at her side with three rangy women as tall as herself.
Ms. Graves, a tall, rangy woman who showed up in a khaki cap with a foreign-legion neck flap, exceeded my expectations.
As Carol settled herself at one corner of the long bleached wood table, the door opened and a tall, rangy dark-haired woman walked in.
A rangy woman beckoned them silently toward the stairs.
Soon Maia was busy parrying buffets from a corsair who managed to straddle the railing-a tall, rangy woman with jagged teeth and several fierce scars.
Captain Vardalos was a medium-height, rangy woman with olive skin and long dark ringlets surrounding a thoughtful face.
A rangy old woman, now breathing with an oxygen mask over her face.
Few noticed the tall, rangy woman in a scarlet jacket and narrow black mini-skirt moving confidently about the salesroom and the exhibition galleries.
She was a rangy woman, ivory-skinned, brown-haired, husky-voiced, today clad in a dress whose shortness did justice to her legs.
"Which was clearly bosh," exclaimed Mrs. Hurchalla, a rangy woman with a bold laugh.