Its fields were masses of rank weeds and its barn was a sagging pile of decaying timber.
As Lonnie drew closer, he could see that rank weeds were already beginning to spring in among the neat rows of crops.
The house was surrounded by rank weeds, and filled with amazing bric-a-brac, including his large collection of erotica, including photographs and films.
The little garden beside the building was full of rank weeds and a few drooping bushes, and the walk to the door was littered with oddments.
He's a rank weed, Sir Thomas, And we must root him out.
Coarse grass and rank weeds straggled over all the marshy land in the vicinity.
The pink grass had disappeared, replaced by rank weeds and the burned remains of some rafters and something that might once have been a plow.
The dean of Yale described night schools as a "rank weed" and urged their closure.
The Klingons will say to themselves, 'Where once treachery's rank weed sprang up, it can be sown again.'
Overgrown with thistles and rank weeds, in the centre of which a leafy lime tree reared itself.