Sadly, rank-and-file workers hold most of the 27 million shares in the stock investment plan.
For a long time, the city seemed to solve the problem by following the union's lead and treating the principals like rank-and-file workers.
But in technology companies, many rank-and-file workers famously made enough to be considered wealthy.
A rank-and-file worker, he was elected council president in 1977 at age 65 and held the post until his death.
Outside the technology industries, though, relatively few rank-and-file workers receive them.
But the plan still needed ratification by union members, and it immediately began to run into strong opposition among rank-and-file workers.
And the pay of rank-and-file workers jumped 5 cents an hour, to $13.23.
The voices of parents, clients and rank-and-file workers are about to be heard.
For several million rank-and-file workers, both military and civilian, the pay increase is a flat 4.1 percent.
Everyone, including union representatives and rank-and-file workers, gets a hearing.