The group continued to work hard and released several mixtape series which earned them a lot of attention in the rap industry.
In 2007, Jackson was the second wealthiest performer in the rap industry, behind Jay-Z.
No charges have been filed against Mr. Lorenzo, nor against any other high-profile figures in the rap industry.
His first contact with the rap industry came 10 years ago, when Biz Markee walked into his store.
The rap industry and music industry has lost another great talent!
Jay-Z explains the stresses of the rap industry and the celebrity life, while also trying to put it in perspective.
He had "lucked up," as they say in the rap industry.
Chance's ex-girlfriend talked about how drugs are basically a trend in the rap industry.
I'm shocked about how little awareness of history there is, especially since so many people are making so much money in the rap industry.
They had learned music on the side as the rap industry exploded.