The other accusers, three of whom say they were raped before the first driver, made their accusations to the police in October and December 1993.
The girls were raped before and after puberty to explore the emotional effects.
While it could be very difficult to prove that you were raped before your marriage, proving marital rape may be possible.
But their shared life was torn apart when Cara was raped, five years before her death.
More than a third of the victims were raped before the age of 18.
It is possible that Petacci was raped before her death.
She should have raped George long before this.
Three accusers said they had been raped before the first driver.
I've never raped anybody in my life before this.
The really remarkable thing, when you turn the case of Miss Cavendish over in your mind, is that she hasn't been raped before this.