The kick to the crotch, the stiffened finger to the eyeball. . . any rapid blow to a surface organ would surely bring him down.
Kate's screams jolted the two men like rapid blows from a hammer.
He seized the poker from the fireplace and delivered two rapid blows on the closet door.
Oba growled as he walloped the little weasel with three more rapid blows.
He'd aim a few rapid blows at Fafhrd, then prance back.
It found that the nation's plans for using nuclear weapons remain largely unchanged from the cold-war era, with the emphasis still on rapid alerts and devastating blows.
The merlin pinioned the snipe, stared briefly at Steve and then killed its prey with a series of rapid blows to the head.
The house shuddered as if it had received three extremely hard, rapid blows from the enormous fist of a giant.
I didn't care what the world thought; I broke in on him and slaughtered his two drugged-up stumbling companions with rapid blows to the head.
Five rapid blows split the skin of her back; hot blood sheeted down, dripping from her legs.