However, these same features made Windows NT perfect for the local area network server market (which in 1993 was experiencing a rapid boom, as office networking was becoming common).
Two rapid booms throbbed through the skin of the ship, followed immediately by two sharp jolts powerful enough to send the whole ship on a dive.
In the period following World War II, the Glattal area experienced a rapid boom as population and industry spilled over from nearby Zürich.
As a result of the rapid and reckless boom the population grew sharply in several places (see e. g. Johanngeorgenstadt).
Under the rule of Duke Jacob (1642-1682) Tukums experienced a rapid economic boom.
Industrial production in the city has experienced a rapid boom since the 1990s, with average annual growth of 19.1 percent from 1991-95, 15.9 percent from 1996-2000, and 20.9 percent during 2001-2003.
The rapid economic boom led to a variety of supply problems.
Industrialization also prompted a rapid boom in population, starting in the 1950s.
During the first years of the 21st century, the town experienced a rapid boom in population.
After about 45 seconds of the wild lights, the rapid booms and the hailstorm of red confetti, Ms. Tong gave her verdict: "I'm a little disappointed.