Builders have also learned to attach granite panels much more quickly, allowing more rapid completion of the interior of a building.
Their business was coming to a rapid completion.
Working seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day, these nonstop operations result in rapid completion and lower financing costs.
He said the team credited North Korea's "cooperation for its unhampered access and the rapid completion of the work plan."
The rapid completion of the fort did have some drawbacks, however.
Heat was conqueredl Dr. Mackay drove his plans on to rapid completion.
The 1860s and the American Civil War led to the rapid completion of the state's railroad system and the growth of small industry.
To foster productivity (physical output per worker) and constrain supervisory costs, wages are paid on a piece-rate basis, providing incentives for rapid completion of the operation.
I also welcome the Commissioner's comments tonight in terms of his strong commitment to a rapid completion of the timetable for this framework decision.
His account of its genesis and rapid completion betrays not only his quicksilver mind but also his elite cultural bearings, intellectual vanity and "look, Ma, no hands" style.