Santa Cruz, the commercial and industrial hub of the eastern lowlands, also is experiencing rapid population and economic growth.
A boomtown is a community that experiences sudden and rapid population and economic growth.
During the Fascist period the city was involved by rapid population and economic growth, and a monumental building policy inspired by the ideology of the regime.
The 18th was a Democratic stronghold before rapid population and income growth made people cranky about the rising costs of local services and less loyal to the old Democratic habit.
In 1923, in response to the rapid population and business growth in Williamson, the Williamson Chamber of Commerce sponsored an executive committee to raise funds for a new local hotel.
During the second half of the twentieth century the Montpellier basin underwent one of the most rapid population increases experienced anywhere in France.
During Burton's tenure the Portland Metro region saw rapid population grown and a growing need to expand and improve its transportation system.
Wattenberg deplores the extreme high projections of some concerned with rapid population growth but commits the same extremism in reverse.
Because of this and due to rapid population growth, Kuala Lumpur suffered water shortages.
This secured a reliable water source for the state, providing a foundation for the subsequent rapid economic population and economic growth that has occurred.