He pulled paper and stylus out of Karst's pack and began to make rapid sketches of the wiring before him.
In that half hour they had begun to under- stand, from the artist's rapid sketches, and the actor's clever impersonations, the basis of the language.
The reply of Queeg was a coherent, rapid sketch, in formal language, of the mutiny.
He had purposed, at first, to confine himself to a rapid sketch of the implicating crimes.
I have redrawn the map from a little rapid sketch, the only one, as it appears, that my father ever made of Númenor.
Just as the conjurer's assistant began to climb the rope, one of the Americans, an artist, made a rapid sketch of the scene.
He took a sheet of paper and made a rapid sketch.
With his rare certainty of style, he made a sketch, rapid but inimitable.
Opened up, it contains only a rapid sketch of the artist's hand holding a supplicatory top hat, above the characteristic signature.
The girl, also standing, had evidently been giving him a rapid sketch of what had occurred, but now fell into silence when accuser and accomplice appeared.