The Tbilisi Metro serves the city with rapid transit subway services.
Some cities have introduced bus rapid transit services or limited stop lines on long, overcrowded routes.
These satellite areas are generally well-connected to the core Chinatown by good rapid transit services.
With the restoration of rapid transit service, riderships numbers dropped significantly.
Chicago is one of the few cities in the United States that provides rapid transit service to two major airports.
In December 2011, the city announced a plan to offer bus rapid transit service for the city and metropolitan area.
As part of a $2.9 million study, 15 heavy traffic corridors have been selected as candidates for the city's first bus rapid transit service.
Despite the name, Lynx is a light rail, not a rapid transit service.
Its entire route is also served by other agencies' bus rapid transit services.
This bus rapid transit service offers limited stops on many of the county's more heavily traveled arterial streets.