If so, we might be able to use them for rapid travel around the galaxy or travel back in time.
We live in a blessed culinary world of rapid long-distance travel, and Bellavitae is a testament to that.
Organized for rapid travel, it consisted of 143 men, just 3 women, and 2 children.
The roads along the lengthy peninsula were not built for rapid travel.
The passageways had been designed for mining rather than rapid travel through them.
Undertaken between 1973 and 1978, it suggested that rapid, unmanned travel to another star system is possible with existing or near-future technology.
For the vast majority rapid travel was unavailable before the railway age.
The women's burdens were light, but unused to the rigors of rapid travel, they had to push to keep up.
After several hours of rapid travel, the subject of his pursuit appeared on the horizon.
- loomed before him of extremely rapid travel across interstellar space.