Her rapid-fire speeches, usually delivered without notes, combine a mastery of statistics with clear compassion for human suffering.
When Rip is in charge, Brandy and Stan echo his rapid-fire speech.
No doubt we'll soon learn to expect - and understand - even more rapid-fire speech.
Croshaw is best known in this series for his generally scathing reviews of mainstream games, as well as often extremely colourful comparisons and rapid-fire speech.
With his frameless spectacles, tousled gray hair and rapid-fire speech, he seems more like the university professor he has been in Paris and Grenoble than a gregarious politician.
By playing up cultural stereotypes - garish colors, rapid-fire speech, raucousness throughout - Mr. Lamos substitutes one played-out device for another.
"You save a man on one corner and on the next corner a man dies," he said in his customary rapid-fire speech, punctuated only with a nervous laugh.
She kept her brassy, rapid-fire speech and New York accent intact, and her trial experience from her prosecutor days was a good fit for the program's format.
Yet he's nervous, too, now more than ever, given to bodily ticks and perspiration and sometimes almost garbled bursts of rapid-fire speech.
Then I caught sight of Mr. MacLeod - Elvis hairdo, rapid-fire speech, holding a cordless phone.