In the movies, people actually kill other people with hand-held rapid-fire weapons.
Men and women with stones in their hands are being murdered with rapid-fire weapons.
The ban covers only 19 kinds of rapid-fire weapons.
The sound of rapid-fire weapons followed; men were shooting at the source of the first explosions.
The sound of rapid-fire weapons rose above the wind and Dobkin knew there was not much time.
Sharp cries: gangsters turned their rapid-fire weapon on the law.
The city's ban on the sale of the rapid-fire weapons will remain in effect, however, while the lawsuit is considered.
Its failure to have much effect in the field led to a belief that rapid-fire weapons were useless.
Other rapid-fire weapons of this era used a drum or hopper to hold the ammunition.
Briefly glancing at each other, the pair of gunners turned and raised their rapid-fire weapons.