Sharp Sales Growth Mini-vans are rapidly displacing station wagons as the prime vehicle to carry families and groceries.
By 1954, magnetic core memory was rapidly displacing most other forms of temporary storage, and dominated the field through the mid-1970s.
The sun, named Ravel, had become unstable; the spectrum was that of a rapidly expanding shell, with absorption lines rapidly displacing toward violet.
Businesses related to ethanol, which is seen by many as a fuel that could rapidly displace gasoline, have been an especially big draw.
The degree-holders are rapidly displacing the dropouts, a trend that may help reduce the demand for social services and drive down crime rates.
As real estate prices continue to soar, Haitians and other residents of the low-income area are being rapidly displaced.
Because it did not cause gastric irritation, acetaminophen rapidly displaced much of aspirin's sales.
That strip seemed almost an artifact amid the evidence that Albanians and Mexicans were rapidly displacing the Italians.
These rapidly displace large water volumes, as energy transfers to the water at a rate faster than the water can absorb.
He is particularly excited about new ways of producing ethanol - the plant-derived fuel that, he says, could rapidly displace gasoline.