The 17thCav, farthest from the sea and with its right flank left vulnerable by the retreat of the 325thmust have been rapidly eliminated.
The Mississippi River Squadron was rapidly eliminated after the end of hostilities.
25 With the depression both permanent and temporary Spanish-surnamed track labor was rapidly eliminated.
Cocaine is rapidly eliminated from the body.
Islamic courts were rapidly eliminated and Islamic studies were removed from education, along with other religious teaching throughout the country.
In most people the virus is rapidly eliminated.
This result was probably due to artesunate being rapidly eliminated, leaving only amodiaquine to provide post-treatment prophylaxis.
Upon exposure, biurea is rapidly eliminated from the body through excretion.
It is rapidly eliminated: in cells, the average lifetime is 3 s.
When the frog rewarms during spring, the extra glucose must be rapidly eliminated, but stored.