The diseases represent a serious management issue for governments, various local Aboriginal groups, and the cattle industry rapidly encroaching on the park's boundaries.
The Teales were living on Long Island, where suburbia was rapidly encroaching.
Bright spots shimmered before his eyes, but they were only sparks against the rapidly encroaching blackness.
Instead, he suddenly found himself going one hundred eighty degrees in the opposite direction, directly at the rapidly encroaching F-16.
Furthermore, palm oil plantations are rapidly encroaching on the last remnants of primary rainforest.
The remaining one hundred cannot keep in cultivation the land formerly open; therefore, the jungle closes over the surface and rapidly encroaches upon the village.
The erosion has created a fan of scree which is rapidly encroaching on the Lovers' walk path.
This year's show is afforded extra cultural relevance because of the rapidly encroaching threat to art students' free creativity posed by spiralling tuition fees.
New restaurants and places to stay are rapidly encroaching on the beach itself and little remains of the once charming beach.
Video games are rapidly encroaching on Hollywood's territory.