But in the test outlined above it now appears the beneficial antioxidant effects are minimal as the antioxidants are rapidly excreted from the body.
In mammalian tissue, carbamates are generally excreted rapidly and do not accumulate.
However, ingested ellagic acid from pomegranate juice does not accumulate in the blood in significant quantities and is rapidly excreted.
Microcystin-LR is rapidly excreted from the blood plasma.
However, FB is rapidly excreted mostly in its original form.
In healthy individuals, excess magnesium is rapidly excreted in the urine.
In the test outlined above, it appears the potential antioxidant effects in vivo are minimal as the antioxidants are rapidly excreted from the body.
Concentrations in the plasma larger than this value (thought to represent body saturation) are rapidly excreted in the urine with a half-life of about 30 minutes.
After injection it is rapidly excreted into the bile.
It is rapidly excreted by the kidneys directly into the urine.