There are also "danger events" in which the player must fend off a dinosaur attacking Regina by rapidly pressing any of the action buttons.
Enemies will also hold onto Hayden while attacking, and the player must rapidly press a randomly prompted button to break free.
Michael and his companions again pressed rapidly forward.
However, they rapidly pressed northward, leaving the "mopping up" of the town to the 3rd Canadian Division following close behind.
The player must rapidly press that button to "recharge" it.
Players seek out enemies, and then rapidly press the attack button to attack them.
Reflex - Displays problems that mostly require the player to rapidly press the buttons.
The player flies the copter by rapidly pressing the fire button on the joystick.
Though the instruction manual says you can also do so by rapidly pressing the A button, doing so does not work.
The bad news is that Pakistan is rapidly pressing ahead with plans to build a nuclear, and we seem unable to stop it.