Both technologies were rapidly superseded for most purposes when dot-based printers-in particular laser printers-that could print any characters or graphics rather than being restricted to a limited character set became able to produce output of comparable quality.
Due to the limited function of this program it was rapidly superseded by other DC-Art versions which included MP3 enhancement as a part of the multifilter component.
It was rapidly superseded by e-mail but the name Teletex lives on in several of the X.500 standard attributes used in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.
Early units utilised spark gap technology, but due to limitations the approach was rapidly superseded by the use of multi-electrode thermionic triode (valve) based oscillators.
Despite its practicality, the meter design of Thorp and Marsh was rapidly superseded and by 1894 J. Nasmith was reporting that it was "practically out of the running".
It became technically feasible in the mid 1970s, but was rapidly superseded by cellular networks in the early 1980s, so it is rarely found today.
These weapons were used on Earth in the distant past, primarily in Europe, although the arquebus was rapidly superseded by flintlock muskets, and then rifles.
As the chairman of British Telecom declared in 1982, the traditional role of telecommunications in voice communication is being rapidly superseded by 'information exchange' made possible by the merger of computer and communications systems.
Wittelsbach was rapidly superseded by new "all-big-gun" warships, and as a result served for less than eight years before being decommissioned on 20 September 1910.
They lacked specialised height finding and aircraft direction radar sets that the Battles possessed, and so were rapidly superseded and returned to reserve.