Special Souvenir At home in London after performances in Vienna, Alfred Brendel can savor a rare accolade.
The length of time the XK engine has remained in production means it has the rare accolade of having been in service in cars spanning six consecutive decades.
It was a rare accolade, as Barry had already been the subject of this prestigious TV program 25 years earlier.
In a rare accolade, The New York Times Book Review awarded Foreman her second cover review.
While at Georgia Tech, Crittenton excelled and was considered a team leader, a rare accolade for a freshman.
Jōchō's efforts there earned him the title Hokkyō (Master of the Dharma Bridge) in 1022, a rare accolade for a sculptor.
He received an obituary in The Times, a rare accolade for an underground reggae singer.
In 1990 he directed the Malayalam movie Perumthachan, which has won rare accolades from the film community across the world.
The rare accolade made the priest blush like a girl.