"A very rare celestial alignment occurred in the 14th century," Dr. Olson said.
They discover that two teens are responsible, due to a rare planetary alignment that affects their behavior.
At its root, it is wholeness - the rare but attainable inner alignment of self-identity, purpose and feelings that eventually leads to freedom from fear.
At monthly meetings (open to the public) upcoming celestial events such as meteor showers, comets, occultations, and rare planetary alignments are announced.
A rare alignment of the Sun, Moon and Earth that increases gravitational pull, causing unusually high tides worldwide.
We may just have one of those rare alignments that bring about genuine social change.
One day, a rare alignment of all of Jupiter's major moons causes a devastating moon quake which damages most of the buildings.
At that moment, Earth will move into an extremely rare galactic alignment.
Beginning at the time of the autumnal equinox, an extremely rare astronomical alignment will occur between the galactic and solar planes.
The last time we spoke, you warned me about some kind of rare galactic alignment orienting itself to Earth beginning on the fall equinox.